I almost never wear tights or sweats to run in the winter. I just don’t. Haven’t since I can recall. There are two reasons why…
First, when I was in college, I realized that the more money I spent on laundry, the less I would have for sustenance. Soooooo, shirts got worn multiple times, sweatshirts were worn outside in, then inside out. And even on the coldest days at the Haven (Lock Haven University, my alma mater), I wore shorts (probably three times before laundering). “Will Shearer have a shirt on today? It’s 46 out.” Probably not.
The second reason is simple, my legs get hot quickly. Within 4-6 minutes of the start of any warm-up, I want to shed the threads. Remember, everything is an experiment of one, so your results may vary.
I do have some limits on the above-mentioned lack-of-leggings. Below 20, IF there is a wind, causes some issues for my muscles and cramping. Below 10, if there is no wind, is also a bit chilly, depending on the distance of the run.
So why am I bringing up my personal lack-of-fashion sense? Or any sense for that matter? I do not like this time of year, and here’s why. A week ago, there were days when the temps were below 30, and windy. And, a week ago, there were days when the temps were above 50, and calm. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
How does the average runner handle the changing of the seasons? Recent years, these seasonal changes have seemed more abrupt that I can recall in my younger days. Fall doesn’t seem like that drastic of a shift, but this springtime stuff… wear gloves, don’t wear gloves. Where’s my hat? Don’t need a hat. Bring a hat but carry the hat.
Most runners look forward to that first day of spring training, when they no longer need to don the windbreaker, third layer, running tights, thermal socks, etc… and they can feel the warming breeze on their face. And most runners, me included, do not look forward to having to go back into the running drawer to find the cold-weather clothing that we recently put away for the year, thinking the 50+ degree days were here to stay.
Back in 1999, I was hired to direct a race in Delaware County for the local community college. It was a 5k fund-raiser for the alumni association and was to be held the first weekend in April. Preregistration numbers approached 220 and we expected over 300 on race day. What a great day this way going to be! Except…
Race morning, we awoke to 8 inches of snow and temps in the mid-20s. Unexpected, too (where’s Cecily Tynan when you need her?). At 4 am I was informed the campus was closed and the race canceled. NOOOOOOO!!! Most of Delco was under driving restrictions. Now, here’s the funny part… that afternoon, temps rose to 52 degrees, it was sunny and pleasant. As I fielded phone calls from unhappy athletes, I found myself directing them to a 5k being held in Philly that same afternoon along the Schuylkill River. Needless to say, they had a great turnout.
Spring weather can be unpredictable, fickle, and sometimes downright maddening. Just be prepared for the swings and mentally know, if you think it’s done, it’s probably not done. Oh, and don’t use me as a guide for what to wear, laundry ain’t cheap.
I hope to see you on the roads, tracks and trails.